Writers Conference Peals of Laughter

Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz,

Returning to the San Francisco Writers Conference every February is like returning to summer camp. Encountering many of the same friends that I’ve made there over the last 19 years, I get to teach lessons learned from previous talks to new writers, and I get to orient the new campers, the first time attendees, on approaching the process of writing, marketing, and selling a book.

My family didn’t have a lot of money, so I got to attend sleep-away camp only one pivotal summer, but I learned a lot from that experience about interacting with kids who were not oddball Waldorf types like myself and all my friends. At the World Community Camp (what I have jovially since called a “hippie training academy”), I was also introduced to vegetarianism.

Those lessons about expressing compassion for all sentient beings through our dietary choices resonated with me, and I have been a vegetarian ever since. My family didn’t know what to make of my dietary restrictions, just like they didn’t know what to make me for dinner. Some vegetarians define that term loosely by eating fish or chicken, but I myself have not. 

Nowadays vegans have lapped vegetarians in the self-congratulatory self-righteous department. You might not have known I was a vegetarian if you have never dined with me (and in recent days I have enjoyed many 6 PM meals with Mavens), because don’t I bring it up all the time. I have a vegan coworker who I lunched with today, and he will work the word “vegan” into most conversations.

After ten or more years of this, I once said out loud, at a meeting with all of us there, “Wait,  you are a VEGAN?! I had no idea!” Now I don’t joke about that anymore. At least he doesn’t do CrossFit or host a podcast, two other topics that practitioners will bring up unbidden in almost every conversation.

Sometimes I return to familiar topics the way that Chaucer says a tongue will return to a sore tooth. Tell us more about your radio show, Dr. Andy, I hear someone saying. You haven’t mentioned Poetry Night for thirty seconds. What’s the latest with Kate? Have you taken any long walks lately? Any new signups on your Patreon? Do you have a funny story about one of your students or about one of the celebrities who lived in your basement in the 1980s? People rarely request these topics, nor need they, for I will volunteer them myself.

At a writers conference, people instead bring up their book projects. Sometimes the conference program will indicate the time for the no-host bar and add the admonishment  “NO PITCHING.” Everyone there wants to pitch their books, and sometimes the agents need a break. Some agents will flip over their nametag on their conference-provided lanyard to indicate that they are off duty.

But I do love the laughter that comes from the Eclipse Bar and Kitchen at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco. I even made it a primary subject of the conference poem, which I wrote on Saturday night after the open mic (58 people signed up) and performed this past Sunday morning.

Peals of Laughter

Hear the deep resonant chimes of The Ferry Building clock tower bells.

Il est huit heur

It’s always 8 PM somewhere, the beginning of a night out,

or so say the answering bells of tourists on rented electric scooters,

scaring both the nocturnal rats and the diurnal pigeons, 

before stopping to stare 

at the new floodlit Embarcadero Center pickleball courts.

Hey, those weren’t here at last year’s conference!

The writers notice everything.

The only sound that is more joyous 

than tourist scooters or pickleball cheering 

is that of the laughter of authors, or so I keep hearing,

for my Hyatt Recency room 334 is right above the hotel bar. 

Every February I hear the authors gather there at breakfast 

and enjoy eggs over laughter. 

Every February I hear the authors gather 

there at lunchtime over martinis, 

some of them the best martinis they ever had,

sharing business cards, unsolicited pitches, and outrageous laughter. 

As we all can hear, the authors gather there late into the evening, 

long after I finished writing this poem, 

to sound the third floor rooms laughter alarms, 

the alarm clocks no one wishes to snooze.

To the smiling authors staring up at a Hyatt ceiling, 

higher than the belfry of Grace Cathedral;

to the joking authors 

attempting auctioneer-speed elevator pitches 

in elevators they discover ascend too quickly to the VIP rooms 

that are imagined to be briming with agents; 

to the thunderous back-slapping authors 

visiting the Hyatt atrium Eclipse Kitchen and Bar, 

every hour is happy hour.

Risible writers, I consider your insistent words 

a revolt against silence. 

Jocular journal keepers, I consider your comical words 

a revolt against mediocrity. 

Mirthful wordsmiths, agented and unagented 

synthesists who can create anything, 

lead the revolt against weekday jobs, 

for on this weekend, 

lit by the low, faux moonlight of a moonlit bar, 

the only traffic that slows us down 

is that of hopeful authors who traffic in inspiration, 

who traffic in community, 

and who traffic in our February palace home’s 

raucous, echoing, creative, literate, and irrepressible laughter.

I hope you enjoyed the weekend. To commemorate it, I wrote at least one pub quiz question about U.S. presidents, even though most of the early ones seem less heroic today than they did when we were reading their illustrated biographies as children.

In addition to topics raised above, expect also questions about the following: 

In addition to topics raised above, tonight’s pub quiz will feature questions on snacks that go well with tea, winds, Rocky Mountains, keyboards, Oscar-winners, monologues, shooting guards, waves, vibes, popular TV shows, salmon, years, clouds, ceremonies, U.S. states, musical films, forests, European countries, Nebraska, bees, pies, long songs, horses, American sports, newsmen in the shed, billboards, current events, books and authors, and Shakespeare. 

Thanks to the Brooke, Jeannie, Becky, Franklin, and More Cow Bell. I also thank The Original Vincibles, Summer Brains, The Outside Agitators, John Poirier’s team Quizimodo, Gena Harper, and others who support the Pub Quiz on Patreon. I would love to add your name or that of your team to the list of supporters. I appreciate your backing this pub quiz project of mine! 

The rain has stopped for the day, so I look forward to performing tonight’s trivia contest outdoors. Will you join me there?


Dr. Andy

  1. Film. What British actress had important supporting roles in the following 2010 films: Alice in WonderlandHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pt. 1, and The Kings Speech, for which she was nominated for the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress?  
  1. Countries of the World in 2021. True or False: The three countries in this sentence, Poland, Ukraine, and The United Kingdom, are arranged in order by population from lowest to highest.  
  1. Desserts. What coffee-flavored Italian dessert is made of ladyfingers dipped in coffee, layered with a whipped mixture of eggs, sugar and mascarpone, flavored with cocoa?  

A Valentine’s Day Pub Quiz Newsletter, with Poetry!

Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz,

Happy Valentine’s Day! 

Yesterday while walking home from campus after teaching an advanced personal essay writing class, I stopped in Logos Books and bought a small hardback selection of the poetry of Wallace Stevens, a number of them about peacocks. While typically during the walk home I will listen to an audio book, on this walk, I provided my own audiobook, reading out loud to my son Jukie more than a dozen poems by the modernist master.

As is the case with many high modernist poems, I found it difficult to tell exactly what the poems were “about,” but I did delight in their sounds and word choices. Typically when I am pouring over literary works, I will quickly look up unknown (or approximately-known) words as I read, but this time, I just listened as if enjoying a piece of classical music.

Just now I randomly chose a Stevens poem (“The Comedian as the Letter C”) and then randomly picked a selection of lines to give you a sense of what I mean:


The lutanist of fleas, the knave, the thane,

The ribboned stick, the bellowing breeches, cloak

Of China, cap of Spain, imperative haw

Of hum, inquisitorial botanist,

And general lexicographer of mute

And maidenly greenhorns, now beheld himself,

A skinny sailor peering in the sea-glass.

This can be deciphered without a dictionary, certainly, but poems should not be seen as puzzles. Save your puzzling for my pub quizzes. Sometimes one gains the most satisfaction from a poem when the “meaning” is communicated only approximately. 

This is how T.S. Eliot addressed this concern in his essay “The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism”: “The chief use of the ‘meaning’ of a poem, in the ordinary sense, may be (for here I am speaking of some kinds of poetry and not all) to satisfy one habit of the reader, to keep his mind diverted and quiet, while the poem does its work upon him: much as the imaginary burglar is always provided with a nice bit of meat for the house-dog.”

Kate raised the topic of occasional inscrutability upon first hearing the tetrameter sonnet I composed as her 2024 valentine. It contains at least a couple words that might appear in a Wallace Stevens poem, but not in everyday conversation. 

For context, our family tradition is for me to provide Kate two poems for each of the four love-poem holidays: Valentine’s Day, our anniversary, her birthday, and Christmas Day. Then she decides if one of the two compositions merits being shared more broadly via social media and, I suppose, in this newsletter. Gustave Flaubert once said, “It is a delicious thing to write, to be no longer yourself but to move in an entire universe of your own creating.” I love using my poems to move into the universe where, for example, Kate is delighting crowds with her anecdotes. She is an excellent storyteller.

Here is my short 2024 valentine, about Kate’s recent trip to San Diego (which our family often visits in the summer) to tell the 150 people attending a corporate retreat about our son Jukie and about her outreach and family support work on behalf of the Smith Lemli Opitz Foundation. She said she was treated like a rock star, and that her stories made them laugh and cry, so I ran with that:

Kate’s Charisma Tour

Welcome home, our touring rock star!

Your February SoCal jaunt

Yielded plaudits rather than floods,

The spotlight rather than sunburn, 

And high fives, not sandy sandals.

Yarn-spinner, anecdotalist,

When our charisma queen holds forth,

Lachrymose viewers hold their breath.

From each storytelling trip

You reappear in my arms with

Independent confirmation 

Of my Beauty’s captivation 

From the folks who get to see your


Happy Valentine’s Day to Kate, and to you. I hope this day surrounds you with love and that it is replete with welcomed displays of affection.

If you are in Davis tonight, please join us for the Pub Quiz at Sudwerk. With regard to tonight, recruit a team and join us at the beautiful outdoor patio where we have room for everyone. Even though it is more work for me, we always have more fun with the bigger crowds and more voices. As Saint Augustine allegedly said, “Good times and crazy friends make the best memories.”

This paragraph includes hints. In addition to topics raised above, tonight’s pub quiz will feature questions on artificial intelligence, Grease, Playback.FM, silly donuts amid the Biden administration, people of color on TV, second acts, English professors, People, famous falls, cheese, bards, NATO countries, princes, knitting and programming, music genres, places that have not been visited by most Americans, love moves, accompanists, European countries, desserts, sacs, famous creeks, foreign aid bills, numbers of hearts, Native Americans, British actresses, amplifiers, current events, books and authors, and Shakespeare. 

Thanks to the new supporters Brooke, Jeannie, Becky, Franklin, and More Cow Bell. I also thank The Original Vincibles, Summer Brains, The Outside Agitators, John Poirier’s team Quizimodo, Gena Harper, and others who support the Pub Quiz on Patreon. I would love to add your name or that of your team to the list of supporters. I appreciate your backing this pub quiz project of mine! 


Dr. Andy

P.S. Here are three questions from last week’s quiz:

  1. Newspaper Headlines: Nearby Countries. Fill in the blank from this headline in a recent edition of The New York Times: “For First Time in Two Decades, U.S. Buys More From BLANK Than China.”  
  1. Sports. According to CNN, “Fiona O’Keeffe produced a stunning performance at the US Olympic Marathon Trials in Orlando on Saturday, [February 3], smashing the previous record by more than three minutes.” Where did Fiona O’Keeffe attend high school?  
  1. Science. What are bromeliads: rare gemstones, flowering plants, tropical rodents or shooting stars?  

Ten Hip Replacement Recovery Options for Kate

Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz,

My wife Kate has to get her hip replaced. Unlike many candidates for this operation, she is relatively young, fit, and active. All of these factors have contributed to her successful delay of an eventually necessary option, and that’s encouraging, especially if the patient doesn’t want to get the same hip replaced more than once.

According to the website WebMD, “95% of hip replacements last at least 10 years, about 75% last 15 to 20 years, and just over half last 25 years or more.” With Kate’s healthy diet and active lifestyle, she will surely outlast her first titanium hip, no matter how soon it is installed.

The hip replacement procedure is one that for our household will require significant preparation. The obstacle? No stairs. Last week her surgeon told her that she would have to stay on the first floor of our home for the first month or more, despite the fact that our first floor bathroom has no bath, or a shower. We would have a downstairs bedroom for Kate, especially after our youngest heads off to college this fall, but how will recovering Kate take a shower?

While I was out walking with Jukie earlier this week, I sent Kate ten ideas on how to address this problem, none of which are reasonable.

One, we could check Kate into the hotel that was in recent years built a block from our house and have her shower there once a week. That option would be expensive, but at least nearby. The hotel has first floor rooms, and an elevator.

Two, we could install a stair lift in the house, one of those sitting railing-based escalators that old Ruby Deagle (played by Polly Holiday) used rather dramatically in the 1984 horror Christmas film Gremlins. In that movie, Mrs. Deagle received an end fitting for a James Bond villain, so I think all filmgoers from my generation are wary of stair lifts. Of course, as Francois Truffaut said, “Film lovers are sick people.” There’s a picture of the French director posted with a bonus trivia question on Patreon.

Three, we could have installed an elevator that would deliver Kate from the southwest corner of the first floor to the southeast corner of the second floor, right next to her side of the bed. An elevator would cost about ten times as much as the stair lift, and it would require its own backup power source so that people don’t get stuck in the elevator between floors, such as what happened in the 1983 Dutch horror film The Lift.

I promise that I don’t have a horror film connection for each option on this list.

Four, we could have our contractors A+J Construction, who did such a good job with our kitchen, build a full bathroom with a door that connects it to our downstairs bedroom. Adding a bathroom to our home would cost about twice as much as the elevator. Our current emergency fund could pay for a (dental) crown, but not a room addition, so this option seems unlikely without a fundraising telethon.  

Five, I contend that we have never-seen and unclaimed space in our house under the staircase. If Harry Potter could sleep in such a space for much of an entire book, Kate could crouch while taking her home shower. We haven’t scoped this out with a tape measure. Also, don’t ask me about drainage.

Six, we could just move to a one-story house in Davis. That would cost about ten times as much as the bathroom addition, especially with mortgage rates hovering around seven percent. We like our current house and its greenbelt access, and we have grown fond of the neighborhood cat, so this option also seems unlikely.

Seven, we could make judicious use of the hose in the back yard, an approach embraced by my son Jukie one summer before the Pandemic.

Eight, we could install one of those portable solar showers in the backyard. That approach would at least include hot water. 

Nine, we could ask one of our friends with a one story house to swap houses with us for a month while Kate recovered. That would be a lot to ask. 

And Ten, we could just to move into a one story Airbnb for a month. I would want it to be within walking distance of campus, but of course everything in Davis is within walking distance for me.

My reasonable wife Kate has wisely vetoed all these creative suggestions, but we would still have to figure out how she would take showers while recovering from hip replacement surgery.

I welcome your suggestions. What ideas haven’t we explored yet?

If you are in Davis tonight, please join us for the Pub Quiz at Sudwerk. I believe the rain will conclude by 7 PM, but my phone’s weather app has a spotty prediction record recently. With regard to tonight’s competition, recruit a team and dress for a winter sunset if you plan to play outside. Most players will gather indoors, I expect. 

In addition to topics raised above, tonight’s pub quiz will feature questions on imports, royalty, record breakers, atomic numbers, California cities, autonomous communities, public offerings, animated films, iconic villains, super heroines with and without capes, again with the spiders, revolutions, title characters, Oscar winners, flu resentments, famous bridges, pineapples, Olympic hopefuls, YouTube subscriber counts, self-portraits, new castles, mobile apps, current events, books and authors, and Shakespeare. Three of the questions for tonight have not yet been written. Despite what you might think, there will be no hip surgery questions. We had enough of that in the newsletter.

Thanks to the new supporters Brooke, Jeannie, and More Cow Bell. I also thank The Original Vincibles, Summer Brains, The Outside Agitators, John Poirier’s team Quizimodo, Gena Harper, and others who support the Pub Quiz on Patreon. I would love to add your name or that of your team to the list of supporters. I appreciate your backing this pub quiz project of mine! 


Dr. Andy

P.S. Here are four questions from last week’s Pub Quiz:

  1. Newspaper Headlines. What is the name of the former advice columnist to whom a jury has said Donald Trump must pay an additional $83.3 million in a widely-followed defamation case
  • Popes. When you multiply the number 38 by the famous number of Hills in Rome you get the number of popes (so far). What is that number of popes?
  • Nursery Rhymes. According to the nursery rhyme, which Duke marches ten thousand soldiers up and down a hill for no apparent reason?
  • Four for Four. Which of the following Emmy-winning actors appear in the 1990 comedy horror film Arachnophobia: Bryan Cranston, Jeff Daniels, John Goodman, Mary Tyler Moore?

P.P.S. Can you believe that next week I will perform a breakfast pub quiz at the San Francisco Writers Conference?

A Low-Stakes Competition with Frisky Wombats

Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz,

I hosted a bonus Pub Quiz last night online last night, and it was a hoot. I asked a bunch of questions that would have appealed to people who knew the night’s honoree, Sheila Allen, candidate for Yolo County Supervisor. The answer to one question the name of the Will Ferrell character in the film Elf, and Sheila’s dog is named Buddy. The answer to another question, one that you will find on tonight’s in-person pub quiz,  was the title of a book that Sheila is reading right now. Another asked about the Guggenheim architect from Wisconsin, the home state of Sheila Allen. Most teams knew the answer was Frank Lloyd Wright.

You probably also knew that. I had to figure out how to adjust the difficulty of a quiz for people who were not trivia regulars. It turns out that everyone knows that Budweiser calls itself the “King of Beers,” though not everyone yet knows that beers from Sudwerk taste better than Budweiser. Other questions matched the difficulty of the questions I typically ask. Here’s an example:

“Countries of the World. The names of four of the ten most populous countries in Africa start with three different vowels, including Ethiopia and Egypt as numbers two and three on this list. Name both of the other two.” 

Most teams, including Brooke’s team, figured out that the correct answers were Uganda and Algeria. That said, I think no teams answered a question that I repurposed from a quiz ten years ago at the defunct de Vere’s Irish Pub: “What proper name occurs most often in The Bible?” Someone asked if that includes the Old and the New Testament. It does. I think the answer is the same in either Testament.

I set up each team with its own Google Doc scorecard, a place where participants could propose answers and discuss their ideas. I’ve read that some junior high students have turned to Google Docs comments on their Chromebooks to text with their friends during class without using their forbidden smartphones. Rather than mocking teachers, these comments were mostly mutually supportive of teammates and their answers, including “Yup!” and “Seconded!” and “You rock!” and “Amazing that you knew that!”

Most of the teams included team-mates who didn’t know each other, including one that had students of mine from 2001, 2018, and 2023. I wonder if such teams had more fun getting to know each other during the two Zoom breakout room sessions than they did while actually taking the quiz. Either way, we could all benefit from meeting and problem solving with other fascinating thinkers.

The stakes were low – bragging rights – but the enjoyment was high. Congratulations to the winning team that answered 25 of 30 questions correctly. “Frisky Wombats” included Cami R, Lori W, Ian W, Brad B (a favorite retired professor living in Sacramento), and Geneva J, though I think she typically goes by Geneva D. 

And here were some of the comments that were texted to me afterward:

Okay that was TOO MUCH FUN

[My teammates] were so awesome. If we ever do remote trivia again, I’m going to ask to be on their team 🙂

That was indeed fun, Andy

Thanks for thinking of me

Will 100% do again

And I met some really nice people. Davis is full of them

Engaging in fun stuff is a really pure way of not staring off into the distance and thinking about [my troubles]

This was a fantastic rendition of your classic pub quiz, and I always love participating and indulging in the Davis nostalgia.

[My team] was delightful! 

And we even won!


Sorry for all of the exclamation marks professor, but I am simultaneously excited and tired.

What wonderful comments! That last one reminded of something that Gillian Flynn writes in her novel Gone Girl: “Sleep is like a cat: It only comes to you if you ignore it.” To that I would add that sleep comes when we earn our exhaustion with a full day of activities. The pub quizzes I host always conclude with smiles, and help to guarantee my readiness for sleep.

Speaking of sleep, Shakespeare describes sleep best: I will finish with words from what superstitious actors call The Scottish Play:

“Sleep that knits up the ravell’d sleave of care, 

The death of each day’s life, sore labour’s bath, 

Balm of hurt minds, great nature’s second course, 

Chief nourisher in life’s feast.”

If you support these efforts on Patreon, you will receive the entirety of last night’s bonus quiz, including the anagram question about a prominent Davisite – nobody got it! I will post it this weekend rather than now because two of its questions will be asked this evening.

Speaking of which, if you are in Davis tonight, and you don’t mind hearing the sounds of a torrential downpour as you huddle inside with teammates, please join us for the Pub Quiz at Sudwerk. As Saint Augustine allegedly said, “Good times and crazy friends make the best memories.”

In addition to topics raised above, tonight’s pub quiz will feature questions on newspapers, Asian countries, pint-sized beer glasses, answering services, award nominations, splatter experts, Michael Jackson songs, edible oils, the courts, notable outlaws, nursery rhymes, hills that are not alive, rich journalists, famous fellowships, roses that suppose, rubber cities, confirmed Luddites, debut novels, trending weather phenomena, empires that grow slowly (and then all of a sudden), West Hollywood, dialing conventions, elf culture, spiders, trans-species conversations, fractions, strong views, major orchestral works, Chicago allusions, French exports, current events, books and authors, and Shakespeare.

Thanks to the new supporters Brooke, Jeannie, and More Cow Bell, which is a great team name. I also thank The Original Vincibles, Summer Brains, The Outside Agitators, John Poirier’s team Quizimodo, Gena Harper, and others who support the Pub Quiz on Patreon. I would love to add your name or that of your team to the list of supporters. I appreciate your backing this pub quiz project of mine! 


Dr. Andy

P.S. Here are three questions from last week’s quiz:

  1. Mottos and Slogans About Products That Hold Your Hair Like a NET. Starting with the letter A, which hairspray claimed to “Hold your style like hairspray, but smell like roses”?  
  1. Internet Culture. Chat GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 exemplify AI, while some say that Chat GPT5 will achieve AGI. What does the G stand for? Hint: It’s a shorter word “generative.”  
  1. Newspaper Headlines. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said today that he supports Sweden’s admission to NATO. Of what country is Orbán prime minister?  

P.P.S. Poetry Night is tomorrow night, and Alan Williamson is one of the features! See https://poetryindavis.com/archive/2024/01/alan-williamson-and-jeanne-foster-perform-at-7-pm-on-thursday-february-1st-2024-in-davis/ for details. 

Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz,

I met today with almost a dozen students during my Zoom office hours, and the essay drafts they shared inspired some writing advice that I will also share with you. Because some of this will be straightforward and obvious to some of you seasoned writers, I will also include a few quotable nuggets of advice from notable authors.



  1. Review first paragraphs for an indication of your point or emphasis.
    1. Often a topic sentence will provide this sort of content or structure, that is, a connection between individual paragraphs and the whole.
    1. “Editing means figuring out what you really mean to say, getting it clear in your head, getting it unified, getting it into an organized structure, and then getting it into the best words and throwing away the rest.” Peter Elbow
  2. Review all sentences for continuity and logic.
    1. Preview the 3rd C of Style: Connect (which we will also go over in class)
    1. Review all for flow.
    1. “To have the necessary momentum, that steady flow that is going to finish the book, you should wait until you feel the story welling up. This comes slowly during the development and plotting period, and you cannot rush it, because it is an emotional process, a sense of emotional completion, as if you felt like saying to yourself one day, ‘This is really a great story, and I can’t wait to tell it!’ Then you start writing.” Patricia Highsmith
  3. Review all for wordiness and repetition of overlapping content
    1. The content of the first page of one of your peer’s essays could have been communicated with 25%-40% fewer words. Is that also true for you? Make every word count.
    1. Review for 1st C of Style: Cut
    1. “Nothing is less real than realism. It is only by selection, by elimination, by emphasis, that we get at the real meanings of things.” Georgia O’Keeffe
  4. Review the organizational strategy of the whole
    1. If your essay gets good only when we get to the evidence, ask yourself why your reader must wait so long to get to the marvelous engaging parts.
    1. “I tend to finish my research, clarify my thoughts, and organize my points before I begin writing books and essays. In other words, I judiciously prepare to write. If I haven’t completely finished my preparatory work, and I have to conduct research, clarify, and organize my thoughts while I write, then my writing is not as good. And when my writing is not as good, it is difficult to maintain momentum. It is difficult for me to remain inspired. Good writing inspires good writing.” Ibram X. Kendi
  5. Make sure your details function as evidence for your point or emphasis.
    1. Just as claims should be supported by evidence, so must details be connected to claims, emphases, or overall points.
    1. “Details are the Life of Prose.” Jack Kerouac
  6. Have all your topic sentences connect meaningfully to your point or thesis.
    1. Review your essay for unity.
    1. Make sure the entirety of your essay is about your topic.
    1. Cut out sections that do not contribute to your point or emphasis.
    1. “When your story is ready for rewrite, cut it to the bone. Get rid of every ounce of excess fat. This is going to hurt; revising a story down to the bare essentials is always a little like murdering children, but it must be done.” Stephen King
  7. Emphasize evidence and exemplification. Show your reader your experiences, rather than just saying that they took place.
    1. “I don’t think you could become a good writer unless you spend a lot of time immersed in text allowing you to soak up thousands of idioms and constructions and figures of speech and interesting words, to develop a sense of writing at its best. Becoming a writer requires savoring and reverse-engineering examples of good prose, giving you something to aspire to and allowing you to become sensitive to the hundreds of things that go into a good sentence that couldn’t possibly be spelled out one by one.” Steven Pinker
  8. Necessary categories of evidence include anecdotes / narratives and descriptions. Some essays also include dialogue.
    1. “There is no ideal length, but you develop a little interior gauge that tells you whether or not you’re supporting the house or detracting from it. When a piece gets too long, the tension goes out of it. That word–tension–has an animal insistence for me. A piece of writing rises and falls with tension. The writer holds one end of the rope and the reader holds the other end–is the rope slack, or is it tight? Does it matter to the reader what the next sentence is going to be?” John Jeremiah Sullivan

If you are in Davis tonight, please join us for the Pub Quiz at Sudwerk. Recruit a team, dress for a winter sunset when the temperature drops five degrees in an hour and a half, and join us at the beautiful outdoor patio where we have room for everyone. The rain is scheduled to have stopped by dinnertime, and the Sudwerk employees will gleefully prepare you room, as the Christmas carol says. 

In addition to topics raised above, tonight’s pub quiz will feature questions on the smell of roses, shorter words than “generative,” new club members, sad garments, neighboring cells, cities of the world, Lilies, famous doctors that are not actually doctors, places to grade, volcano slopes, fast mammals, Monty Python (you are welcome), people named Bob (unless we save that one for a future quiz — hello Bob!), zombies, executive producer candidates, geometry problems, malingerers, trials and tribulations, non-venomous snakes, female leads, national sports, sassy film sequels, iron spikes, medieval fashion choices, available occupations, sudden responses, colorful words with indeterminate syllable counts, current events, books and authors, and Shakespeare.

Thanks to The Original Vincibles, Summer Brains, The Outside Agitators, John Poirier’s team Quizimodo, Gena Harper, and others who support the Pub Quiz on Patreon. I would love to add your name or that of your team to the list of supporters, those who are alerted to my bonus pub quiz questions on Patreon, such as today’s free question about gold mining and January 24th. I never expect to strike gold with my Patreon earnings, but I do I appreciate your backing this pub quiz project of mine! 


Dr. Andy

P.S. Here are some questions from last week’s quiz:

  1. Running Backs. Najee Harris plays for what AFC North NFL football team?   
  1. Countries of the World. The official currency of Egypt is the Egyptian dollar, the Egyptian koruna, or the Egyptian pound?  
  1. Know Your American States. The U.S. state with the lowest Covid vaccination rate at 16.1% produces more copper than any other state and is home to professional sports teams in the four major sports. Name the state.  

Dear Friends,

Thanks to all of you who shared your fond memories of interacting with my friend John Poirier, the de Vere’s Irish Pub Pub Quiz regular who passed away last week.

A wheelchair user who was paralyzed from the waist down, John was especially careful to protect himself from Covid, and that meant limiting in-person social activities, including our pub quiz when we returned to in-person events at Sudwerk.

I did get to meet with John a few times as Quizmaster during the pandemic, though, and that was by holding Zoom trivia contests for him and for others who wanted to test their knowledge remotely.

I will not get to Zoom with John again, but I will get to host another bonus Zoom pub quiz later this month, and I hope you will join us.

As many of you know, I’m a big fan of Sheila Allen, a local candidate for Yolo County Supervisor. If you look over her campaign website, you will see that she is eminently qualified to take on this role. If you were to chat with Sheila for a quarter-hour, you would learn that she also has the heart and drive needed to succeed as an advocate for the people of our county.

To do my part in amplifying the work of our best local public servants, I am hosting a bonus Zoom-based Pub Quiz for Sheila on Tuesday, January 30th at 7 PM. 

Although there is no cost to participate, I hope that everyone who joins us will consider making a donation to Sheila’s campaign. You can bring your regular Pub Quiz team, form a team just for this event, or join one once you arrive in the Zoom room. Even though we will focus on fun and fellowship rather than competition, it’ll still be fun to see how the different teams do.

You need not be local to join us, so invite your faraway family, friends from college, or retired former coworkers to add themselves to your team. If you can make this special event, consider also recruiting locals who will appreciate the opportunity to learn more about Sheila Allen, her campaign, and her vision for Yolo County.

We will meet on Tuesday, January 30 at 7 PM

We will meet via Zoom at this link: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/my/andyojones

You can bring a team of up to six or add yourself to a team after you arrive

Register your interest in this event via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1412311316379171

There will be some campaign talk at the start, at halftime, and at the end, so bring your patience and curiosity for brief political interruptions. With so many public-spirited people in the Zoom room, surely we will make some new friends. We will also raise a remote toast of a beverage of your choice to our departed friend and big-time trivia fan John Poirier.

Speaking of online events, have you seen the names of all the kind souls who have contributed to my fundraiser for the Smith-Lemli-Opitz Foundation? Readers of this newsletter, including the new Mayor of Davis and my favorite Chancellor, have been especially generous. Will you add your name to the list? Perhaps this week we could top $3,000.

If you are in Davis tonight, please join us for the Pub Quiz at Sudwerk. Recruit a team, dress for a January sunset when the temperature drops five degrees in an hour and a half, and join us at the beautiful outdoor patio where we have room for everyone. Even though it is more work for me, we always have more fun with the bigger crowds and more voices. As Saint Augustine allegedly said, “Good times and crazy friends make the best memories.” Someone should source that quotation.

In addition to topics raised above, tonight’s pub quiz will feature questions on bank holidays, maternal choices, patents, original songs, telephonic companions, melodious marches, halls of fame, rotten tomatoes, birth cities, southern places, turtle egg islands, golf bags, so-called aliens, mountain lions, inauspicious birds, Lennon favorites, creative bombs, people born before your parents, confluences, broil able hens, names that start with the letter T, poker hands, ridiculous words that comics love, notable poets, beetles, states with professional sports teams, currencies, people named Harris, kids, current events, books and authors, and Shakespeare.

Thanks to The Original Vincibles, Summer Brains, The Outside Agitators, John Poirier’s team Quizimodo, Gena Harper, and others who support the Pub Quiz on Patreon. I would love to add your name or that of your team to the list of supporters. I appreciate your backing this pub quiz project of mine! Also, have you been following the bonus trivia on Patreon?


Dr. Andy

Here are three questions from last week’s quiz. Congratulations to the team “Summer Brains, Summer Not” for being the first team in the Sudwerk era to answer all 30 questions correctly! I predict no one will match their record this evening.

  1. Mottos and Slogans. The big three index fund managers are Vanguard, State Street, and a third, the world’s largest asset manager, with US$9.42 trillion in assets under management. Using the slogan “We are committed to a better future,” what is the name of this company whose name starts with the color Black? 
  1. Internet Culture: Two-Syllable Video Games. Released by Epic games, what 2017 popular co-op sandbox survival game was updated in 2023 with a “Festival”? 
  1. Newspaper Headlines: The Consumer Electronics Show. Tony Stark would have been pleased that Samsung recently announced its first MicroLED TV screen that could be described with what three-syllable T word?  

The Quizimodo’s Winner Edition of the Pub Quiz Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Today I am thinking of John Poirier, a regular pub quiz attendee during all the years that I quizmastered at de Vere’s Irish Pub, a kind soul, and a good friend.

Regular attendees of my previous pub quiz will remember John and his team Quizimodo grabbing a table near my booth that accommodated his wheelchair. I would always stop to visit John’s table, and his team made up of Lynne, another John, and a cast of other substitutes, including Anna, Gretchen, and sometimes Cathy.

Sometimes players would stick around to thank me for the show or to discuss individual pub quiz questions, but none took the quiz as seriously as John. He always had suggestions for questions, onetime bringing a printout of great LGBTQIA figures from history so I could increase the diversity and queer representation in my pub quiz. We also talked about independent living for wheelchair users, Boston culture, scuba diving, and his life as a pharmacist.

I so valued such trivia question suggestions, as well as his trivia enthusiasm and his compassionate humanity, that I dedicated my first Pub Quiz book to him, writing “To John Poirier and all the other pub quiz participants who never miss a week of community, competition, and fun.” To me, John was always a winner.

Over our ten-year friendship, I have talked with John at cultural events, memorial services, and poetry readings, including a few that I hosted at the Natsoulas Gallery. I was grateful to see John at my crowded first pub quiz at Sudwerk, but he preferred playing with his regular group of Patreon subscribers via Zoom every Monday, their group welcoming players from around the country and even Canada. I’m grateful to my friend Lynne for keeping that group going and finding use for my weekly trivia content all through the pandemic.

As Lynne wrote me on Monday, “We had our virtual pub quiz tonight and John did not chime in. One of his neighbors on the team went to check on him and he has passed away.”

I’m thinking this week about John, his family, and the locals who loved him. He loved to talk to me about his team’s struggles with my unfair anagrams, so in honor of John, part two of tonight’s pub quiz will start with five easy anagrams. For example, if I were to ask you “What natives of ancient Etruria are the best kind of CENTAURS?” You would, of course, respond, that ETRUSCAN centaurs are the best kind of centaurs. I think John would have appreciated the silliness of questions about Etruscan centaurs.

Rest in Peace, John Poirier. I appreciate the humanity that you brought to our every interaction.

Speaking of humanity, Pub Quiz participants and fans, including those who support this effort on Patreon, have contributed about half the $2,314 that I have raised so far for the Smith-Lemli-Opitz Foundation to support medical research that will help families of people who have Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, such as my son Jukie. Thanks so much for that support! If you would like to participate, please check out the fundraiser on Facebook, or make a donation to the Foundation via its website.

If you are in Davis tonight, please join us for the Pub Quiz at Sudwerk. Recruit a team, dress for a January sunset when the temperature drops five degrees in an hour and a half, and join us at the beautiful outdoor patio where we have room for everyone. We will have some bonus friends joining us at Sudwerk tonight, friends and admirers or Natalie Corona (see below).

In addition to topics raised above, such as Etruscan centaurs, tonight’s pub quiz will feature questions on index funds, video games and other consumer electronics, sea travel, ornithology, raincoats, diseases, admirers, meteors, disco mainstays, breakfast cereals, knitting projects, cable cars, people named George, California taxpayers, secondary characters, World Series titles, unexpected appearances, hips and shoulders, carbohydrates, Black quarterbacks, bands not named Kayak or Racecar, electricity, optimization movement founding fathers, meditators, rare languages, the Persian Gulf, bills, animated films, transparency, long poems, current events, books and authors, and Shakespeare.

Thanks to The Original Vincibles, Summer Brains, The Outside Agitators, John Poirier’s team Quizimodo, Gena Harper, and others who support the Pub Quiz on Patreon. I would love to add your name or that of your team to the list of supporters. I appreciate your backing this pub quiz project of mine! 


Dr. Andy 

  1. Mottos and Slogans. Starting with the letter A, what is the trade name of a combination drug that contains four salts of amphetamine and is regarded as effective in treating symptoms of ADHD and narcolepsy? Hint: For years, advertisements for this drug used the slogan, “Schoolwork that matches his intelligence.”  
  1. Internet Culture. We recently learned that the page for ChatGPT was the most visited Wikipedia page in 2023. If you think for a moment, you will quickly determine what is the most visited Wikipedia page of all time. Name it.  
  1. Four for Four: The Four Tallest Buildings in California. Which of the following buildings is found in San Francisco: The AON Center, The Salesforce Tower, The U.S. Bank Tower, The Wilshire Grand Center?  
  1. British Comedians. Born in 1961, what recent Golden Globe winner starred in the Hollywood films For Your Consideration (2006), the Night at the Museum film series trilogy (2006–2014), Ghost Town (2008), and Muppets Most Wanted (2014)?  

P.P.S. Today is the five-year anniversary of the death of Davis Police Officer Natalie Corona. Considering her life, her sacrifice, and our gloomy weather recently, I wrote this poem in her honor.

An Elegy for Natalie

Corona (astronomy): the rarefied gaseous envelope of the sun and other stars.

We are all tales etched in stardust,

Echoes of a celestial choir,

A transient brilliance, a cosmic spark

That kindles hereafter a heavenly fire.

Our heavy hearts cloud the day,

Overcast, like our abiding grief;

Nevermore will her kindness inspire;

The morning is cold; the sun weeps.

We admire the few who answer the call 

And note the beaming smile of the new recruit.

We will seek to shine here where she shone,

Each of us sharing a memorial salute.

Dear Friends,

This week we celebrate my son Jukie’s 23rd birthday!

Jukie turns 23 on January 4th! He has graduated from school and thus we get to spend so much more time with him than we did when the school bus visited our home twice every weekday. Although he misses the rides, the time with his peers, and the adventures with his teachers, we have more time for long walks on the greenbelts of Davis, as well as leisurely meals at Dos Coyotes, Sudwerk, and his other favorite restaurants.

On this celebratory occasion, we are hereby announcing our annual fundraiser and our goal one day to fully fund The Jukie Jones Duren Endowment for the Smith-Lemli-Opitz Foundation.

Like many people with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, Jukie has limited communication skills, intellectual disability, and profound autism. Also like those young people, Jukie communicates his needs and his affection in ways that his family and caregivers have learned to interpret well.

Most families affected by Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome don’t have the support system that we have, for his mom Kate has a background in social work and worked with kids and adults with disabilities before she and Andy met more than 35 years ago. Jukie’s sister, Geneva, is now working as a paraeducator at Patwin Elementary, and she brings that expertise back home when she does respite work with Jukie. And Jukie’s younger brother Truman, who towers over him by about six inches, has often interrupted work on his writing projects to make Jukie a meal or start up a Pixar film for him.

Kate’s work supporting parents worldwide who have just discovered their child has this rare syndrome has driven home how much the help provided by Smith-Lemli-Opitz Foundation is sorely needed. These Foundation activities include funding SLO research “seed” grants, raising awareness of SLO to increase the rate of diagnosis, welcoming new parents with an online parent support group, supporting grieving parents with a parent loss support group, providing an equipment exchange program, distributing welcome packets for newly-diagnosed families, subsidizing the biennial SLO family medical and scientific conferences, connecting families to researchers and SLO specialists, and growing the research programs, such as an NIH natural history study that we and Jukie participate in.

We also think of all the affected families, like ours, that would benefit from additional treatments of this devastating syndrome, one with a high mortality rate. With that in mind, I hope you will help us raise money for The Jukie Jones Duren Endowment for the Smith-Lemli-Opitz Foundation. We hope that with your help, in the coming years we will make progress towards funding the five-year goal of funding an endowment of $50,000 that will provide a steady and everlasting yearly source of support for the Foundation that helps families affected by Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. Through my own volunteer work, I’ve come to appreciate how this small nonprofit organization makes a huge impact.

All donations are tax deductible (Fed ID# 23-2635206), and all donations that mention the Jukie Endowment will help us take another step towards reaching that goal of $50,000. Amazingly, we have already raised $24,653.78. Because of you, after one year we are almost half-way to our five-year goal. We have four more years to raise the rest!

If Jukie cared about recognition, he would love that this endowment bears his name. I think he would mostly care that so many other affected children and their families will benefit from your donation and the amazing work of this non-profit organization.  

Please donate via Facebook or via the website giving page using the buttons below. If you use the website giving page, please include Jukie’s name on the donation form or interface. The Foundation leadership knows just who he is – you can find pictures of Jukie a few times on the Foundation website – and they will know just how to direct the funds. Thank you!

We hope in 2024 to raise $10,000 for the Foundation. We are grateful to a friend of Jukie’s, Gena Harper, who has already donated $2000 to give us a big boost towards our goal. For all the families that need our support, I hope you can help us the rest of the way.

With love and appreciation,

Andy and Kate

If you are in Davis tonight, please join us for the Pub Quiz at Sudwerk. Recruit a team, dress for a winter sunset when the temperature drops five degrees in an hour and a half, and join us at the beautiful outdoor patio where we have room for everyone. Even though it is more work for me, we always have more fun with the bigger crowds and more voices. As Saint Augustine allegedly said, “Good times and crazy friends make the best memories.”

In addition to topics raised above, tonight’s pub quiz will feature questions on salts, popular destinations, tall buildings, ghost towns, spheres, chocolate, tragic love stories, record accomplishments, crestfallen subjects, parrots, famous queens, South American countries, ill tempers, wonderful lives, the number 40, cars in pubs, idols, contrarian voters, Saturn, successful tours, considerations, again with the Europe, current events, books and authors, and Shakespeare.

Thanks to The Original Vincibles, Summer Brains, The Outside Agitators, Quizimodo, Gena Harper, and others who support the Pub Quiz on Patreon. I would love to add your name or that of your team to the list of supporters. I appreciate your backing this pub quiz project of mine! And thanks to everyone who is supporting the SLO Foundation on Facebook or via the Foundation webpage!


Dr. Andy

P.S. Here are some trivia questions from the last Pub Quiz of 2023:

  1. Science. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that you cannot simultaneously know the exact position and momentum of what P word?  
  1. Books and Authors. Whose novel Gone Girl has sold more than 15 million copies?  
  1. Current Events – Names in the News. Tom and Dick were two brothers who were comedians and folk singers. They were also never shy about sharing their support of civil rights and their opposition to the Vietnam War. What was their last name?  
  1. Shakespeare. Beginning with the letter C, what is the name of King Lear’s only loving and sincere daughter?  

Remembering DR Wagner

DR Wagner. Photograph by Glenda Drew

Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz,

As we approach the end of 2023, I am considering all the kindnesses that have been shared with me, my family, or others in my experience. Grandparents often specialize in kindness for, having worked hard for an entire lifetime, they have learned, just at the end, what is most important, and then they can share that unreservedly with the grandchildren. When I am in that situation, I will remember something I once read by Emerson: “You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late.”

The poet, artist, publisher, and UC Davis Design professor DR Wagner got to share many kindnesses with his grandchildren and with the rest of us. Whenever my wife Kate would post a family picture on Facebook, DR would respond as if we were his own family. He took a special interest in the writing and acting projects of my son Truman, born around the time that DR retired from teaching at UC Davis.

When I introduced DR at a poetry reading on the roof of the Natsoulas Gallery this past October, he had many friends and supporters in the audience, and many more friends by the end of the evening, people who loved his imagistic, fanciful, vigorous, often transcendent poetry. DR has rightfully been called the Gandalf of American poetry, the godfather of Sacramento poetry, the stylized emperor of Locke, California, the slim and magisterial David Bowie of the local arts scene.

DR has read at my poetry series and appeared on my radio show a half-dozen times each, he has recruited poets and other experimental artists to come to Davis and to UC Davis, he has uplifted friends and colleagues with his exuberance, he has written dozens of books, and published hundreds of poets. He is a friend to many – he and I have over 200 mutual friends on Facebook – and an icon to many more, even though he himself was an iconoclast. He had over 2,000 followers on Facebook.

I remember one of the last things he said to me: “Andy, can you believe I am about to turn 80?” DR Wagner did make it to 80, but he didn’t make it to Christmas, passing away on the Winter solstice, making the day darker for all who knew and loved him.

Few poets were more widely published or more better known, nor have most artists seen their work so widely displayed in galleries and museums (from The Smithsonian to The Louvre). But in my family, and I suspect in the poetry community, we will remember DR best for what Wordsworth called the “best portion of a good man’s life, / His little, nameless, unremembered, acts / Of kindness and of love.”

DR, I will remember your many personal and Facebook-mediated acts of kindness. The rest of us can revisit your art and your poetry. I thank you for all the ways you made our lives richer.

I recently received this email from a Davis VIP: 

“We have a slew of family interested in Weds Night Trivia.  We haven’t been to Trivia since the grand opening. 

We are wondering if reservations are needed inside, especially for dinner?  I assume you aren’t using the outside until the spring…

Looking forward to seeing you again!”

It is wise to assume that I wouldn’t hold the pub quiz outside during the winter, but I am not always wise. Certain teams have bundled up to join me outside during the Sudwerk Pub Quiz this fall, while many wiser teams, such as last week’s champions, “Summer Brains, Summer Not,” play indoors, even if playing masked after finishing their meals.

Today will possibly be the first Wednesday when rain will be falling during the actual quiz, and that may force all of us inside. Luckily, Sudwerk has a strong sound system and room for many teams, including yours, so I hope you will plan always to join us Wednesday nights at 7 with your team.

In addition to topics raised above, tonight’s pub quiz will feature questions on bold food choices, striking colors, source codes, boa constrictors and other animals, well-heated verandas, famous songs, labor statistics, devoted daughters, past champions, quenched fires, continental choices, hopeful acts, the methods of success, membranes, numbers that are divisible by six, hit songs, long movies, books that have sold more than ten million copies, tiny objects, riddles about time, anticipated precipitous drops, video games, the year in review, former leaders, cinematic gods, current events, books and authors, and Shakespeare.

Thanks to The Original Vincibles, Summer Brains, The Outside Agitators, Quizimodo, Gena Harper, and others who support the Pub Quiz on Patreon. I would love to add your name or that of your team to the list of supporters. I appreciate your backing this pub quiz project of mine! 

Happy New Year! Be safe Sunday night!

Dr. Andy

P.S. Here are three questions from last week’s Pub Quiz, where 21 points could have won you the top prize. As some of you will see, the version of the quiz published on Patreon is a bit easier.

  1. Mottos and Slogans. Founded in 2002, the company that uses the slogan “Be a Hero” frequently partners with athletes such as with Kelly Slater, Jimmy Chin and Jonas Deichmann. What are the five letters in the name of this company? Hint: The fifth letter is capitalized.  
  1. Internet Culture. The Silent Talk project is a DARPA government initiative to make telepathy possible. What does the D in DARPA stand for?   
  1. Newspaper Headlines. On the 2024 Presidential Election Interactive Map of the website 270towin.com, the experts have the Democrats with 266 electoral votes and the Republicans with 235. Name one of the three essentially tied battleground states found on this map.  

P.P.S. Next week we celebrate my son Jukie’s birthday and launch my yearly fundraiser for the Jukie Jones Duren Endowment for the Smith-Lemli-Opitz Foundation. One regular reader of this newsletter already donated a tax-deductible $2,000, so, even before launching, we are already 20% towards achieving our goal of $10,000. Think now if you would like to participate, and I will provide the details next week. Thanks!

Every Santa is a Secret Bishop

Dear Friends of the Pub Quiz,

All my family members are finally healthy, the rains have come to refresh Yolo County and the rest of California, and the family photographic gifts have been constructed and mailed out to certain beloveds to arrive by Christmas. If your family is like ours, you are looking forward to pivoting now towards a holiday break.

Recently I reconnected with a former student of mine who helped my small family and me move to Davis in 1998. I sent out an email to a group of trusted friends to see who could help us move to our new neighborhood in south Davis. Our first house had just been built on El Segundo Avenue. 

My student Andrew showed up on moving day with the planning acumen of a project manager or an engineer, even though he was a humanities guy who was studying C.S. Lewis at UC Davis. He managed to fit more into the “Mom’s Attic” of that U-Haul than we probably could have fit into both our Honda Civic, bought in the 1980s, or our Saturn SL2, purchased that year so that we had a safer vehicle with which to transport our newborn daughter, Geneva. He was a hero.

After a seeming multi-decade break, I reached out to Andrew to see if he would like to read a sufficiently reverent poem on my KDVS radio show to commemorate the Christmas holiday.

This was his response:

“Dr Andy!! I’d love to—how long does your show run that night? My wife and I are teaching, but I’d love to read CSL’s poem ‘The Nativity.’”

Checking my friend’s page on Facebook, I saw that he had become a Reverend, had grown a white beard like mine, and had started dressing like a Bishop, which I thought was pretty cool. As Harry Winston says, “People will stare. Make it worth their while.”

Then Andrew reminded me how long we have known each other: “Do you realize that you were the person who introduced me to Google all those years ago…?” Even this son of a librarian finds it hard to remember negotiating the world before Google.

I apologized for the Google introduction, and then wondered to myself if I could give my old friend a hard time, as men do when they are showing affection, even though he is now such an established man of God who spends his time dressed in the cassock and zucchetto of a Bishop.

Looking again at Andrew’s Facebook profile, I made my next comment:

“Also, what a delightful author/speaker wife you have! Did you use hypnotism to convince her to marry you?”

Then there was a long pause in our texting conversation. Had I crossed a line?

Finally, the Rector at the Church of the Messiah responded:

“Hahaha—divine mercy and, likely, bad judgment/eyesight!”

That was the sort of response I was hoping for. I wonder if in divinity school they teach rectors how to be self-deprecating at the pulpit. 

H.L. Mencken once said that “God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.” I don’t know if that true, but I know that I remain full of respect for any community leader who can inspire others with talk of great books, who has a sense of humor, and who answers your call when you have to move your impoverished self from one city to another.

I hope your holiday break is spent with people who have at least two of these qualities. Happy holidays.

Please consider purchasing a friend a year-long subscription to the Pub Quiz as a holiday gift. The friends who fund this enterprise on Patreon keep these newsletters coming and ensure that faraway friends can partake in your Pub Quiz joy remotely.

It may be raining now, but it is due to conclude by 6. Perhaps my friend the Bishop put in a good word for me? If you are in Davis tonight, please join us for the Pub Quiz at Sudwerk. Recruit a team and dress for a foggy winter sunset at wiped-down tables and chairs. Even though it is more work for me, we always have more fun with the bigger crowds and more voices. As Saint Augustine allegedly said, “Good times and crazy friends make the best memories.”

In addition to topics raised above, tonight’s pub quiz will feature questions on Jimmy Chin, telepathy, poker games, sad tales, the LA Dodgers, button-up shirts with gold decorations, memorable antagonists, Daniel Day-Lewis, creatures that are native to South America, old parks, Wikipedia searches, avoiding unrighteousness, Hilary Swank, submarine bases, Oscar winners, architects, whales, ideal rib cages, night fevers, quantitative reviews of plant biomass and soil process responses to combined manipulations of CO2 and temperature, TV networks, cities that are not London, Marisa Tomei, drafts and fascinations, U.S. presidents, connections between Julius Caesar and Jim Carrey, athletes that require pronunciation guides when introducing them, large islands, big numbers, Jon Voigt, interactive maps, ambitious projects that border on magic, current events, books and authors, and Shakespeare.

Thanks to The Original Vincibles, Summer Brains, The Outside Agitators, Quizimodo, Gena Harper, and others who support the Pub Quiz on Patreon, including those who are trying it out for the first time. I would love to add your name or that of your team to the list of supporters. I appreciate your backing this pub quiz project of mine! 


Dr. Andy

P.S. Three sample questions:

  1. Newspaper Headlines. Citing weak holiday sales, what parent toy company of Dungeons & Dragonsand Magic: The Gathering is cutting about 1,100 Jobs?  
  1. News Media. What three letters refer to the busiest news website in the world in October of 2023, with 1.2 billion visits?  
  1. Alan Rickman. Alan Rickman made his feature film debut at age 42 playing Hans Gruber in what alleged holiday film? 

P.P.S. “Courage, dear heart.” C.S. Lewis